101 Gowen Hall, Department of Political Science, Box 353530, Seattle, WA 98195-3530
Email: envirpol at uw.edu
(206) 543-2780 Fax: (206) 685-2146
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Dr. Robert Bullard is widely recognized as the father of the environmental justice movement, and The Center hosted him on April 9, 2024. Along with an evening public lecture at Seattle Town Hall, he participated in a panel discussion at noon on UW campus. Here’s the Zoom recording of the panel: Dr. Bullard Luncheon Talk […]
“Disparities in Disconnections: Utility Access in the Age of Climate Change”, Friday, February 21, 2025, Noon, David Konisky, Associate Dean for Research Lynton K. Caldwell Professor, Indiana University Bloomington, The Olson Room (Gowen Hall 1A), UW Seattle
Azusa Uji, Jaehyun Song, Nives Dolšak, Aseem Prakash. 2023 “Comparing Public Support for Nuclear and Wind Energy in Washington State” PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0284208 Lily Kinyon, Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash. 2023 “When, where, and which climate activists have vandalized museums” npj climate action, volume 2, article number: 27 (2023) Azusa Uji, Jaehyun Song, Nives Dolšak, Aseem […]